Water lettuce
Pistea stratiotes
Nutrient rich lakes, ponds, canals and slow-moving rivers.
Key ID features
Looks like a small lettuce.
It floats on surface in rosettes, up to 30 cm across, with thick, soft hairy, bluish-green leaves.
Scattered records, mainly in southern England, 1 record in South Wales - but doesn’t survive our current climate.
Rapidly forms a carpet on water surface excluding light and oxygen, reducing biodiversity. Can also block intakes and reduces flood storage capacity.
Do’s & Don’ts
DON’T buy from any outlets for aquariums and water gardens, it’s often labelled ‘oxygenating plant’.
DO check whether this plant is present in your pond/aquarium - it’s really a monster in disguise!
DO dispose of invasive non-native plants responsibly – leave to dry in a sunny dry area 3m away from water. Can be composted or burned (in line with local restrictions) once completely dried.
DON’T break the law - Be Plant Wise - don’t dump invasive non-native aquatic plants in the wild or transfer to other ponds. If you cause water lettuce to spread you may be guilty of an offence under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981.
More Information
For more information visit the GB Non-Native Species Secretariat website.
Water lettuce (GBNNSS)