American mink
Neovison vison
Aquatic habitats, including coastal, but mainly rivers and lakes.
Key ID features
Body length 30-50cm with glossy dark brown/black fur, and white patches on chin and throat. Tail is about half body length.
Scats are 6-8cm long, pungent, sausage-like, but twisted and drawn out to a point.
Mostly nocturnal or active at dusk.
Widespread throughout Britain’s aquatic habitats.
Predates native wildlife including water voles, sea birds, domestic fowl and fish.
Do’s & Don’ts
DON’T break the law - If you catch/trap a mink you cannot release it back into the wild, it’s illegal under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981.
DO - Mink control should only be undertaken by professionals and as part of mink control projects.
More Information
For more information visit the GB Non-Native Species Secretariat website.
Mink scat