Red-eared, yellow-bellied & Cumberland terrapins
Trachemys scripta elegans
A wide range of still to slow flowing freshwater habitats.
Key ID features
A distinctive red stripe behind the eye, with striped markings along legs and clawed feet.
Can grow to 30cm in length.
No breeding populations have been confirmed, but non-breeding individuals have been recorded in some parts of the UK including the Gwent Levels and Cardiff.
They are opportunistic omnivores, and predate on native amphibians, fish, water birds, invertebrates and amphibians.
Do’s & Don’ts
DON’T breed, sell or exchange. If you have a pet terrapin it can live out its natural life with you.
DON’T break the law – you may be guilty of an offence under the Invasive Alien Species (Enforcement & Permitting) Order 2019 if you release your terrapin into the environment.
DO see NRW’s species licensing webpage for more information on invasive alien species, including terrapins (see back page for link).
More Information
For more information visit the GB Non-Native Species Secretariat website.
Red-eared terrapin (Brent Myers)