Supply of Gwent Levels biological data review


Our Living Levels is looking to commission a report reviewing biological data held by partners and other organisations within the Gwent Levels.

The Partnerships plans to build on the work of the current LLP with a successor programme. Central to this will be a sound understanding of what biological data is currently held by partners and other organisations, how up to date it is, how it can be accessed, how frequently it is refreshed, and what gaps exist.

The ‘Greater Gwent: State of Nature’ report highlights the current gaps in knowledge around many species and habitats on the Gwent Levels. This project will attempt to identify those gaps through commissioning a data gap analysis report that will identify current sources of information about the Levels and where gaps exist.

The report will be used to support the development of a robust programme of data collection, research, recording, citizen science, and monitoring for habitats, species and the historic environment, which will be used in the development of a Nature Recovery Strategy for the Levels.

The final report should include:

·       Which organisations hold biological data about the Gwent Levels

·       Which species are recorded?

·       How accessible is the data?

·       How old is the data, or how frequently the data is updated?

·       List of recommendations on how data gaps can be addressed



To produce a report reviewing biological data related to the Gwent Levels held by partners and other organisations, to identify gaps and provide recommendations for addressing gaps.


The final report shall be completed by Friday 27th June 2025 at the latest – interim milestones are to be agreed and should be suggested as part of the response to this brief.


The suggested budget ceiling for this work is £7,500 (excluding VAT).


Register you interest

To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at