Programme 1 – Conserving and Restoring
The seven projects in this programme area aim to conserve, protect and enhance the Gwent Levels’ natural heritage – including its historic landscape features, wildlife and ancient drainage system.
They will also help to increase appreciation and understanding of the special landscape, biodiversity, management regime and heritage of the Levels for a wide range of local audiences and will provide many volunteering opportunities.
This programme provides an opportunity to address the key biodiversity and landscape needs of the area as well as make a significant contribution to tackling key anti-social behaviour problems impacting the Levels including fly-tipping.
Please browse our projects for more information.
Discover our plans to work with local landowners and farmers to design more sustainable farm practices which protect and enhance the landscape’s unique and historic features while ensuring sustainable farm incomes.
Help us to revive and celebrate the traditional orchards of the Gwent Levels.
Work with us to explore opportunities for new businesses and income generation in the Gwent Levels by researching business, tourism and payments for ecosystem service schemes.
Help us to successfully combat this blight on the landscape by getting involved with our Fly-tipping action group and activities. Find out how we’ll be helping to enforce illegal incidents of fly-tipping and encouraging behaviour change with this exciting and innovative project.
Discover our programme of activities to combat the threat of invasive alien species which unchecked could harm the fragile ecosystems of the Gwent Levels.
Get involved with our ambitious plans to boost and enhance the habitat of the rare shrill carder bee and discover what we’ll be doing to raise awareness and celebrate the rare and unique bug life of the Gwent Levels.
Find out what we’re doing to help protect and enhance the distinctive historic and semi-natural landscape features of the Gwent Levels for the benefit of its wildlife and people with our innovative grant scheme for local landowners and farmers.